;The Concept of the work
Previous Artwork has addressed the Freudian (1919) uncanny concept as an unfamiliar, frightening emotion that is negatively disturbing. However, the concept of Nicholas Royal (2003) that uncanny can be strangely beautiful has opened up a new sight that been followed in my Artwork. The Artwork and art exhibition on fine art are mostly descriptive on creating acceptable uncanny Artwork with a sense of beauty. Therefore, I classified The Uncanny in art as being beautiful, and that has proposed an original contribution to the knowledge of the perspective of what I call “The Beautiful Uncanny”.
;The artwork creation
People experience different problems, which make them feel a momentary failing which they encounter by degrading themselves sometimes. Emotions like weak, degraded, confused, floundering and unbalanced are the kinds of feelings that I consider a person would feel when being an insect, a life but tinier than an actual human being. I remember Franz Kafka words in his book “The Metamorphosis”(1972, P115);
“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself”
Those kind of felt emotion can any human being feel when they are in weakness time, but the imagination of how human become insect just because of their uncanny moment is so interesting. As some people look at insects and describe them as ugly, especially when they create feelings of disturbance, chilliness, fearfulness of being bitten or attacked. I, however, did not pass over the fact that insects are beautiful to look at in their different forms, colours, and unique detail. So, that has given me a vision of transformed objects of hybrid human and insects to meet my classification of “The Beautiful uncanny”